// Free, but at What Cost? //
Sexual violence

For my final major project, I am looking at the sexual violence that often goes unnoticed in the Orkney Islands.

Seatbelts signify safety. But in this instance the seatbelt is not safe, she is strapped in - trapped. This is a critical piece, as a designed outcome based on scenarios described in interviews conducted with stakeholders and key informants for the research part of my final major project.

The first seatbelt conveys the male talking directly to the female, the seatbelt is not quite fastened as the female is not aware of the danger. 

The second seatbelt is the female narrative where she realises something is not quite right. This belt is tightly fastened, showing how she is trapped in the situation with the ultimatum - do as he asks? 

The third seatbelt signifies after the event, the belt is released because she is now free from that situation - but at what cost?